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  • Address: Citi Housing, Sialkot, Pakistan
  • Email Address: info@egcskt.pk


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    Immigration and citizenship
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    We provide expert team to create great value for immigration. Our certified & reliable Immigration Consultant professionals can help you get a positive decision on your case. We provide immigration services in all countries.


    About Agency

    Immigration Services From
    Experienced Consultants

    EGC Consultant is a professional Study Abroad Consultancy firm, with over 15 years of experience in guiding young professionals on making the right choices for their future our expert team given counselling to over 2,000 International students on the best next steps to take to maximise their potential.

    Student Consultency 90%
    Immigration Consultency 80%

    Choose Your visa

    We provide our Experts to
    Generate Great visa

    We have been counselling students for educational opportunities in Foreign countries.

    Free Online Visa Assessment

    Contact us today by fill up free online visa assessment and we will contact you

    We run all kinds of immigration Services that vow your success


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    Resources & News

    Our primary goal has been to provide immigration in all over country and universities. Nam hendrerit elit vel urna fermentum congue. Aenean varius euismod quam sed ultrices.